

Help us to build a strong and peaceful Somalia!

Are you enthusiastic about finding peaceful solutions for Somalia? Then you can take action. Join us and become a member of our Peace family!

We would also appreciate it if you would become a peace ambassador of our organization. As an ambassador, you will assist in organizing activities. And you help us to increase the reputation of Peace-Tribe. You can also help with organizing meetings to find sponsors, and-donors to invest the work of YPF.

Since the collapse of the central government of Somalia in the late 1990’s, over 10 million people have been living in insecurity and poverty. Millions of people have become victims of the ongoing violence.

More than three millions Somalis left their homes as refugees. Close to one million people lost their liver or were mutilated, hundreds of thousands of children have lost their parents. Because of the war, most children didn’t get the opportunity to receive a proper education.

For a long period of time the Children’s Rights of Somali children have been violated. Their rights to education, health and protection – against war – have been severely damaged. But the future belongs to the children of Somalia. Therefore we cannot and must not ignore the humanitarian disaster, which is taking place in front of our eyes.

Living in peace is essential and a first requirement for progress and the future of the Somali people. Every think depends on peace.

Yahya Peace Foundation provides education and peace stories as an alternative to armed conflicts. The peace center is building a Peace-Tribe and companies for education for Somali children.

Your Support is therefore indispensable – now more than ever!


Our mission is to provide schooling for 1000 children per year. The money of your donations will be used to achieve this goal. 

Our cost percentage is 20 percent. That is well below the the CBF of 25 percent. €0.80 of every euro goes directly to children who need our help.

– 80% goes directly to our education program; 
– 20% goes to fund-raising en operating expenses

Yes you can but it would be a shame if we could not thank you personally. So please do leave your e-mail and first and last name in the description. The IBAN number is NL52TRIO0788952579.

Yahya Peace Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as a Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen (ANBI). This means that we do not have to pay tax on our donations received. You can also benefit from tax benefits as a donor. 

The tax authorities can inform you about the deductibility of your gift.

If you are a Dutch citizin click here for more information. Companies can also deduct donations. Click here for more information about the deductibility of donations from companies.

You can verify our ANBI status by going to the website of the tax authorities

Contact us through our contact form or send an email