
Fiidka Nabadda (The Peace Evening)

Fiidka Nabadda (The Peace Evening) Yahya Peace Foundation – Beesha Nabadda December 21, 2024, Hague, The Netherlands An inspiring, heartwarming, and promising event for the Somali diaspora in the Netherlands! On Saturday evening, December 21, 2024, the Yahya Peace Foundation organized a special evening dedicated to peace, Somali Children and Abdulkadir Yahya (Yahya). During this event, members of the Somali diaspora in the Netherlands, both young and old, came together to advocate for Somali children’s right to education. More than two hundred people attended the evening, where Beesha Nabadda officially launched the education campaign “Education First.” 1000 – children go to School All participants contributed by making donations for the children, and several attendees joined Beesha Nabadda as new members. Additionally, the Yahya Peace Foundation honored a few exceptional individuals with the Yahya Peace Award, recognizing their dedication and contributions to peace and education. More than eight renowned artists from various European countries, along with Somali politicians, made the evening truly unforgettable, filled with inspiration and unity. Looking ahead to our next event in the fall of 2025: A Somali Peace Weekend! We sincerely thank everyone who contributed in any way to the success of this special evening. Beesha NabaddaYahya Peace Foundation E – info@yahyapeacefoundation Take a look at some photos of the event to get a feel for the atmosphere!

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Dear colleagues, friends and family, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you to inform you about something whichis close to my heart, and to ask for your support. On a rainy morning more than 16 years ago, my brother Abdulkadir Yahya was assassinatedwhile he was sleeping next to his wife. Since then, not a single day has gone by that I don’tthink of him. The memory of my dear brother has become a central part of my life. I miss himdeeply. My brother, also known as ‘Sharafle’ (‘the Honorable’), was a well-known and much-lovedpeace activist. He spent most of his life working for peace in Somalia. He aimed to bringtogether militant groups and leaders, and he emphatically stood up for underprivileged andmarginalized communities. He was convinced that Somali people themselves are capableresolving the conflicts that were ripping our society apart. In the end, he had to pay the highest price for his ideals. His assassination on July 12, 2015sent shockwaves through both Somali society and the international community. A few years ago, I took the initiative to continue his ideals and work. That is why I foundedthe Yahya Peace Foundation (‘the Peace Tribe’) in memory of him. For more information about our vision, mission and objectives, I refer you to our website. I hope that you, as a colleague, friend or family-member, will support us in our effort tocontinue the work of my brother. Attached below is a flyer, where you can find how you can join our Peace Tribe and supportus. Can I count on you? Lots of love, Ali YahyeDirector and initiatorYahya Peace Foundation

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Aqoon & Ogaal; Xuska samofale C/qaadir Sh. Yaxya

Rotterdam 11 July 2021 Time: Jul 12, 2021 08:50 PM MogadishuJoin Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82250635513Meeting ID: 822 5063 5513 An evening of peace! Meeting and conversation, in memory of a murdered, much loved and courageous peace activist; Abdulkadir Yahya (Sharfle). The guests are; former colleagues and a brother of Yahya. Former President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Former colleague, director of CRD, Jabril Abdulle Former colleague; employee of CRD, Abdi Sheikhdoon Nageeye and A brother of Yahya; Ali Yahye. July 12, 2021

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