Abdulkadir Yahya, (YAHYA) was a father of nine children, born in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1957. Among his countrymen was known as SHARAFLE (the Honorable). 

Yahya, was a nice, socially gifted man, beloved by everyone, always surrounded by people, someone who did not make a distinction between the people regardless of their tribe origin or social economic class. He has always paid a special attention to those who are isolated minorities and the poor people in the society. He was actual everybody’s friend.

Before the civil war, he was, among other things, a director of the Baylka-factory, a translator and mediator for Madbacada football team and a staff member of the American embassy in Somalia.

From the beginning of the civil war in 1990, he refused to flee the country, while he had the chance to do that. He has repeatedly said that he has a special responsibility on his shoulders and that he cannot abandon his people at that time.

Since 1991 Yahya has facilitated the UN mission of Somalia, he has made it possible to bring the fighting parties on the table, especially in the capital city Mogadishu.
In collaboration with UN-ambassador of Somalia, during operation Restore Hope, from December 1992 to 1993, Yahya has played a crucial role to bring together, the two most influential leaders; President Ali Mahdi and General Mohamed Farah Aidiid, they represent the two most powerful rival groups in south Somalia. One of the most memorable results of this event was that for the first time in years, the greenline, which divided the capital city into twee hostile camps, was lifted.

Together with the international community, he has organized numerous different national conciliatory conventions. He was a great proponent of reconciliation and justice.
In the mid-nineties he founded together with other Center for Research and Dialogue (CRD) and he became the director of this institute. During this period he traveled throughout the country with his peace message, and he organized dialogue meetings among the local citizens, with the intention to understand and discuss the core of the conflict.

Yahya, has also regularly, brought the fighting tribes, together under a tree and moved them to resolve their dispute in a peaceful way. These initiatives have made him, a well-known and respected peace activist.
Unfortunately he has paid the highest price for his ideals and his belief for the Somali people that they are able to resolve their conflict in a peaceful way.
On a rainy early morning of July 12, 2005, he was taken out of his bed and thereafter, assassinated in front of his wife, by masked and well-armed men.

“The Secretary-General was shocked to hear of the brutal murder of Abdulkadir Yahya in Mogadishu today.  Mr. Yahya had devoted many years to foster peace and reconciliation in his country and was widely respected by his countrymen and by many in the international community.
The Secretary-General condemns such acts of violence that continue to undermine the prospects for peace and reconciliation in Somalia”. The statement of Kofi Anan, at the UN, july 2005
Yahya, gradually became a symbol of hope and reconciliation. Until today, he has a positive influence on the current leaders of Somalia.